Neverworld Grid

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12/30/2022 12:37 am  #1

Region is Missing

Hi, Not sure who to talk to about this, but my region Notable is missing - doesn't exist.  I have checked my payments through paypal and you have received money for the region.  I appreciate any assistance.  Thank you so much.

Nyte Vargas 


Yesterday 12:44 am  #2

Re: Region is Missing

I'm logged into the forum but I seem to be missing the photo boards and the cocker meet up details, not sure if anything else gone. Any assistance going?


Yesterday 10:08 am  #3

Re: Region is Missing

After the first time downloading and seem the buildings missing, I uninstalled and downloaded it again and got same results.
Thank you for your help with this.


Yesterday 9:12 pm  #4

Re: Region is Missing

Yep, happens to me, but I am notified of pms through email, so I can read the message there. As Karol said, if I erase existing messages, then the missing message appears.


Today 1:56 am  #5

Re: Region is Missing

Does this ever happen to anyone else?  I open IHD, notice that I have a new message but when I go to that page there's no new message there.  So my number of messages goes up but no new messages in the box.



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