Hi, Not sure who to talk to about this, but my region Notable is missing - doesn't exist. I have checked my payments through paypal and you have received money for the region. I appreciate any assistance. Thank you so much.
Nyte Vargas
I'm logged into the forum but I seem to be missing the photo boards and the cocker meet up details, not sure if anything else gone. Any assistance going?
After the first time downloading and seem the buildings missing, I uninstalled and downloaded it again and got same results.
Thank you for your help with this.
Yep, happens to me, but I am notified of pms through email, so I can read the message there. As Karol said, if I erase existing messages, then the missing message appears.
Does this ever happen to anyone else? I open IHD, notice that I have a new message but when I go to that page there's no new message there. So my number of messages goes up but no new messages in the box.