Neverworld Grid

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6/10/2019 6:45 pm  #1

I Need That

Gov set up a little store for me so I'll be putting the creations I want to share in there for you guys.

hop:// Avenue District/162/220/22



6/11/2019 9:29 am  #2

Re: I Need That

New stuff at I Need That!

[url]http://hop:// Avenue District/161/219/22[/url]

     Thread Starter

12/16/2020 8:52 am  #3

Re: I Need That

I found a clue. Look in the General discussion post. And look for starting point. Click on that and scroll down to Aluminum and there you have it. -Wayne


5/18/2021 8:07 pm  #4

Re: I Need That

Im looking for someone that knows the gage and type of Aluminum that was used on a Modernistic/cub. Any help will be greatly appreciated.-Wayne


3/16/2025 11:12 am  #6

Re: I Need That

yasusada is big because hes the only one that matters
I hope they get added soon to be honest, I need more incentive to enter tournaments


3/16/2025 10:08 pm  #7

Re: I Need That

oppps ...  I just re-read your post.  Once a minute.  You may need to make something custom for that, or read the specs on some existing products.  I see one of the links I listed does once a second.  But that's too fast..


Yesterday 7:43 am  #8

Re: I Need That

I am just a hobbyist, but would consider making handles depending on what you have in mind.  there are a lot of internet tutorials if you want to make your own.  It is not all that difficult. message me.


Yesterday 8:04 am  #9

Re: I Need That

i'm looking for a sort of really really slow strobe light, that i can plug in and let run for the day. i want a really bright flash once a minute.

suggestions please



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